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Warmly welcome the leaders of Liaobu Town of Dongguan City to visit and guide us

News & Blog 4150

On the morning of April 20, 2023, Ace-Tec received a visit and guidance from a group of leaders from Liaobu Town, Dongguan City. Yang Baichuan, Ace-Tec’s General Manager, expressed a warm welcome to the visit on behalf of all employees. A detailed introduction was provided during the visit, which covered the company’s production and management status, business sectors, as well as market development.

The town leaders visited our production workshop and office, and highly praised our standardized production line, especially the meticulous attention to detail in every process and adherence to quality standards, which has been our company’s consistent quality management philosophy for many years. They also praised our 5S workshop, mature quality system, and our excellent Resource & Development team recognizing them as the core competitiveness of our company and the guarantee of customer trust.

We also presented our company’s R&D history, future technology innovation plans, and social responsibility to the leaders. They expressed their strong agreement with our development direction and strategic planning, hoping that we could continue to strengthen technological innovation and improve product quality, provide better products and services to customers, and jointly promote the development of the industry.

This interview is a confirmation and encouragement for us from the leaders to our company. We will meet the future challenges with more stringent requirements and contribute more to the economic and social development of the region.

In Conclusion

This visit and inspection activity made us feel the deep concern and recognition of the leaders for our company’s development, enhancing our confidence and determination. We will continue to create high-quality products through technological innovation, provide better services and assistance to customers, and contribute to the healthy development of the industry.

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